Bettina Rheims und Paris Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bettina Rheims)
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Aufnahmen in Pariser Hotels: „Chambre Close“: Bettina Rheims’...
In unserer Serie „Künstler im Hotel“ erinnern wir an Bettina Rheims. Ihr Fotoband „Chambre Close“ entstand in Pariser Hotels - und sorgte für Skandale.

Bettina Rheims: Magnificent Photos of Women in the MEP in Paris! -...
Bettina Rheims is a French photographer whose works are shown in a superb exhibition in the Maison Européenne de la Photographie in Paris: a must-see!

Bettina Rheims Toasts Paris Exhibit – WWD
Charlotte Rampling, Audrey Marnay and Zahia Dehar were among guests who turned out to the opening of the photographer's exhibit at Paris’ Maison Européenne de...