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(1 - 4 von 16
) Indien Wahlen: BJP-Spitzenkandidat Modi ist Favorit - DER SPIEGEL

Im Wahlkampf beflügelt Narendra Modi den Traum vieler Inder vom Wohlstand für alle. Er hat beste Chancen, neuer Premier des Landes zu werden. Doch sein...

"Bharat Mata Ki Jai" slogan not related to any religion
The country is witnessing a controversy over the issue of chanting "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" slogan. There are political outfits, activists, celebs who think that no ...

PM says 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' 10 times | Deccan Herald
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday latched onto Congress chief Rahul Gandhi's 'Bharat Mata Ki Jai' barb at him, saying he would recite the slogan ten...
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