Bianca Aguirre Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bianca Aguirre)


(1 - 4 von 14

Sato Project saves pups from 'Dead Dog Beach' - CNN
Beckles and team veterinarian Dr. Bianca Aguirre-Hernandez do a preliminary check and find Evelyn is healthy and clean. She's also not afraid ...

Guardian: Rescue from Dead Dog Beach: protectors of Puerto Rico's canines are...

Amigos de los Animales and the Sato Project are saving lives – a few years ago there were hundreds of abandoned dogs but today the numbers are dwindling
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Bianca Aguirre
Alexandra Pötz
Vorname "Bianca" (22307)
Name "Aguirre" (931)
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