Bill Fitz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bill Fitz)


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Google News: Stefanie Spielman, 42, loses battle with breast cancer

[Canton Repository] - Chris and Stefanie first met at a teen dance club in Stark County. Stefanie Belcher went to Jackson High School and Chris was a star linebacker at Massillon

The behind-the-scenes politics of picking a Supreme Court ...Reuters
— REUTERS/Bill Fitz-Patrick/White House/Courtesy Ronald Reagan Library/Handout via Reuters. As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was ...

Scalias Tod mischt US-Wahlkampf auf -
In den USA ist der stramm konservative Höchstrichter Antonin Scalia unerwartet gestorben. Die Todesnachricht startete am Samstag umgehend einen heftigen...

Gen. DoolittlePacific Air Forces (.mil)
... making him the first person in Air Force Reserve history to wear four stars. (White House photo by Bill Fitz-Patrick). PHOTO BY: Bill Fitz-Patrick.
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