Bill Guiney Person-Info 

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Google News: Solar v. Energy Efficiency: What's Worth It?

[Energy Collective] - As Bill Guiney from Johnson Controls said, “Money controls.” Richard Perez's main argument about the benefit of solar PV is that it is in essence a power station and not just a way to reduce your building's fossil fuel energy consumption.

Bill Guiney out to "loop the loop" in aid of mental health › bill-guiney-loop-loop-aid
· Renews resident Bill Guiney is carrying on his annual effort to raise awareness for mental health this September. Guiney turned 61 this ...

Warning on danger of sharing bed with babies - Belfast › news › warning-on-da...
· Ms McCann's partner, Bill Guiney, a sound engineer, had been working late as it was New Year's Eve and had fallen asleep in the sitting room on ...

Guardian: For Belfast teenagers, punk meant far more than just mohicans and...

The music and clothes united Belfast’s youth in the 1970s. Here an Observer writer recalls its power to cross the divide – and prepares to pogo with fans old...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Bill Guiney
Emily Swan
Vorname "Bill" (6436)
Name "Guiney" (13)
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