Bill Hare Person-Info 

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Europa soll Vorbild sein - Klimaverhandlungen in Bonn stecken fest
[Deutschlandfunk] - Deshalb steckten die Verhandlungen weiterhin in einer Sackgasse, sagt Bill Hare, australischer Physiker und Direktor von Climate Analytics, einem Expertenbüro mit enger Bindung an das Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung: "Die meisten

Local news: Gardening event grows attendance
[Edinburgh Evening News] - A SCULPTURE by Eduardo Paolozzi is to be discussed at the National Gallery of Modern Art. Bill Hare, art historian, will examine Paolozzi's St Sebastian I (1957) in the context of the Cold War. The event is free on Monday, 13 June, at pm.

Google News: Dover City Council budget draft calls for no tax hikes, deep spending cuts

[Dover Post] - It gets us into the next year so we have a budget,” said Councilman Bill Hare. “We're not done, this is just a Band-Aid budget. There's still going to be review of more items and more things.” As chair of council's Legislative

Could Palin Be Convenient Pawn for New World Order?
[OpEdNews] - By Bill Hare (about the author) Page 1 of 2 page(s) The prospective scenario for bears striking similarities to the presidential race. The nagging question is whether the same force that benefited enormously from the result of the election
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