Bing Crosby und American Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bing Crosby)
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Weihnachtslieder im swingenden Sound
[Trierischer Volksfreund] - Dezember, ab 20 Uhr im Forum Swingtitel und American Standards von I\'m Dreaming Of A White Christmas bis Let It Snow, von Bing Crosby bis Frank Sinatra, von Louis Armstrong bis Nat King Cole. Die Jazzmusiker präsentieren sensible Interpretationen der

Guardian: FBI files lift lid on Bing Crosby's links with the Mob - The › world › dec › michaelellison

· The image of Bing Crosby as the epitome of middle American golf-clubs-and-cardigans decency has long been tarnished by posthumous accounts ...

Those were the days - Bing Crosby at Prestwick Airport, and
ELVIS Presley excited much media attention when he made a brief stopover at Prestwick Airport in March but another legendary American singer…

Record label desperately searching for people named Bing Crosby for...
Decca Records launching nationwide search for people who were born with the same name as the late American music star and White Christmas singer