Bislimi Mehmet und Ilmi Bakiu Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bislimi Mehmet)
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Kosova Daily Report #1567,
At another village of Sht&rpca, at Bitij& e Ep&rme, Serb police rounded up the following residents: Haki Bakiu, Ilmi Bakiu, Rexhep Bislimi, Mehmet Bislimi, Agron Bislimi

Kosova Daily Report #1568,
The LDK named the following Albanians rounded up by Serb police after they had their homes raided: Haki Bakiu, Ilmi Bakiu, Rexhep Bislimi, Mehmet Bislimi, Agron Bislimi
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Vorname "Bislimi" (3)
Name "Mehmet" (676)