Blue House Person-Info 

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N.Korea behind GPS signal disruption in South - reports
[Reuters India] - Communications officials could not say whether the North was behind separate cyber attacks on government Web sites including that of the presidential Blue House and the Defence Ministry since Friday that slowed or disabled them for hours.

Google News: Lee visits hero captain: 'Please regain strength'

[JoongAng Daily] - Lee expressed his hope for a full recovery soon and gave Seok a naval captain uniform as a gift, adjusting the captain hat on Seok's head as he urged Seok to “visit the Blue House with the family after getting released from the hospital wearing this

Google News: [Viewpoint] Potent mix: Jasmine, beef and reform

[JoongAng Daily] - In an early phase, we can say we first witnessed this phenomenon in South Korea during the presidential campaign of Roh Moo-hyun, who rose from relative obscurity to the Blue House by taking advantage of Internet-based media and organizing.

Google News: Revolutions and revival

[] - Of how he and his wife, Natalia, lived in the nearby Casa Azul, or Blue House, with artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera before a falling-out - possibly over an affair between Leon and Frida - forced them to relocate to No. 45.
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