Bob Hauk und Lee Van Cleef Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bob Hauk)
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Die Klapperschlange - arte | › die-klapperschlange › eid_
Bob Hauk, Lee Van Cleef. Cabbie, Ernest Borgnine. Präsident, Donald Pleasence. Duke, Isaac Hayes. Harold, Harry Dean Stanton. Maggie, Adrienne Barbeau.

1997: fuga da New York in tv . Le nozze di Kurt Russell e i presagi › lee-van-cleef-zoppo-la-moglie-set
vor 2 Tagen · Lee Van Cleef, attore di culto delle pellicole western, ha interpretato il ruolo del commissario Bob Hauk. Cleef aveva subito un infortunio al ...

A number of details for the Escape From New York reboot › ... › Movie News
Another aspect that'll be different from the original is gender-swapping Lee Van Cleef's character, Police Commissioner Bob Hauk, to Deputy Executive Director ...

Neil Cross Updates on ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Redo › neil-cross-escape-ny-...
· The character that legendary Lee Van Cleef portrayed (Bob Hauk) will now be a CIA director known as Roberta Hauk. Instead of 'escaping' ...