Bobby De Clemente Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bobby De Clemente)


(1 - 4 von 8

The Way It Was: Clemente gave till the end - Washington Times
— Bobby Clemente, as he was still called by some old-fashioned baseball writers, decided to accompany the fourth flight, hoping his presence ... › ...

Article: Roberto Clemente: The Enduring Spirit | OpEd News
Article: Roberto Clemente: The Enduring Spirit - Roberto Clemente was known as humanitarian who died serving others. He has also been seen as a great...

Clemente tourney adds two weeks, Puerto Rico Tourism pledges $40K to...
SUNY Canton's baseball roster currently features three players from Puerto Rico, including Bobby Clemente, the grandson of the Pittsburgh ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Bobby De Clemente
Vorname "Bobby" (2834)
Name "de Clemente" (9)
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