Boris Frumkin und Moscow Person-Info 

( Ich bin Boris Frumkin)
(1 - 14 von 15

CIDOB - Thinking of Russia From the EU: What is to be Done?
Boris Frumkin Head of Department, the Institute of Economics, Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS), Moscow. Natalia Zubarevich,Professor, Department of ...

The Fifth Vivacello Festival came to its conclusion in Moscow /...
The Chamber Orchestra directed by charismatic Boris Frumkin did not let the audience get distracted from the music even for a second.

Московская филармония (18 november, sunday 19:00, Аб.113 Оркестр...
Moscow Philharmonic(18 november, sunday 19:00, Lundstrem Jazz Orchestra, Boris Frumkin). Оплата билетов производится как банковской картой, так и ... So., 18. Nov. Lundstrem Jazz Orchestra, Boris Frumkin
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Boris Frumkin
Person "Frumkin" (1)
Vorname "Boris" (10331)
Name "Frumkin" (11)