Brad Feld Person-Info 

( Ich bin Brad Feld)


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Boulder power couple donate to Techstars Foundation, which aims to...
Boulder venture capital power couple Brad Feld and Amy Batchelor are giving their money away to philanthropic causes they believe in.

Venture capitalist Brad Feld on how startup communities work -...
This short video from the Kauffman Foundation,

Brad Feld outlines "Boulder Thesis" in Kauffman Sketchbook (Video) -...
Brad Feld spoke earlier this month at Thinc Iowa, and we will release full video from Feld's talk sometime next week. But for those who didn't ...

Brad Feld Archives – Startland › tag › brad-feld
Techstars co-founder Brad Feld launches $25K matching gift for Startland News donor campaign. Editor's note: The following is an update to Startland News' ...
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