Brian Solis und Pivot Conference Person-Info 

( Ich bin Brian Solis)
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Google News: The Trends In Social Advertising Survey - Behind The Numbers

[Business 2 Community] - Released on August 1, 2011, the Trends In Social Advertising Survey by Brian Solis and The Pivot Conference will surely be one that's bandied about and its results shared often. But I wanted to take a look, a deeper look if you, behind the numbers.

Google News: Social advertising: er is leven buiten Facebook

[Marketingsfacts] - The Pivot Conference heeft samen met Brian Solis onderzoek gedaan naar social advertising (N=230). Het onderzoek toont aan dat bedrijven adverteren op sociale media voornamelijk binnen campagnes integreren (70 procent). Eenzelfde percentage gebruikt

Google News: Advertisers Begin to Look Beyond Facebook and Twitter

[eMarketer] - May research from The Pivot Conference and Brian Solis found that two-thirds of marketers surveyed were already conducting social media advertising activities, and 18% more planned to do so in the next year. Most agreed that these efforts would

Google News: Los anunciantes comienzan a mirar más allá de Facebook y Twitter

[Puro Marketing] - La investigación realizada por The Pivot Conference y Brian Solis encontró que dos tercios de los comerciantes encuestados ya han realizado actividades de publicidad en las redes sociales y un 18% planea hacerlo en el próximo año.