Bruno Girin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bruno Girin)


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French presidential election: Citizens in London blast 'three ...
Bruno Girin posted on Twitter: “Queue for voting in French election in London goes round the block, I should have brought a picnic.”.

A quelle fréquence consulter son e-mail ? Dix trucs - Nouvel › Rue89 › Economie
'Email' (Bruno Girin/Flickr). C'est quoi être efficace ? Dégommer des e-mails dès qu'on a deux minutes parce que c'est toujours ça de pris ?

California Propositions: Prop. 38 | KCRW
By Bruno Girin, Flickr. We continue our series on state propositions with Prop. 38, a measure that aims to reverse the damage of a half-decade ...

Quality Street fans' dismay after Nestle ditches Toffee Deluxe |...
Quality Street fans today expressed their dismay after Nestle announced it was ditching the Toffee Deluxe from tins in favour of a new Honeycomb Crunch.
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