Bruno Souza und Brazil Person-Info 

( Ich bin Bruno Souza)
(1 - 40 von 124

Bruno Fernandes de Souza trial: Brazil goalkeeper admits knowing his...
Parts of his model ex-girlfriend’s corpse are alleged to have been fed to his pet rottweillers, while the rest were buried in concrete

Java Rock Stars James Gosling and Bruno Souza › press-release
Father of Java James Gosling and Brazilian JavaMan Bruno Souza enthusiastically endorse polyglot PaaS with Java enterprise level support.

James Gosling and Bruno Souza Join Jelastic as Advisers
James Gosling, creator of the Java language, and Bruno Souza, Brazilian SouJava JUG founder and Java Champion, will be joining Java/PHP cloud-host Jelastic ....

Immigrant facing serious charges escaped police custody for seconds |...
Amazing footage shows the moment Brazilian man Bruno Souza escaped police custody and attempted to flee on foot as officers were in pursuit. He was caught...