Budi Darmadi und Indonesia Person-Info 

( Ich bin Budi Darmadi)
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Google News: Harga mobil murah tak lebih Rp70 juta per unit

[Bisnis Indonesia] - Dirjen Industri Berbasis Teknologi Tinggi Kementerian Perindustrian Budi Darmadi menuturkan persyaratan utama low cost car harus bisa mengejar spesifikasi teknis konsumsi bahan bakar yang irit. Selain itu, harga jual mobil murah idealnya bisa dipatok

Indonesia to promote locally produced carsBangkok Post

— The Industry Ministry's director general for high-priority industries, Budi Darmadi, said on Tuesday in Jakarta that the platform would ...

India's Tata eyes Indonesia plant | The Daily Star

Indonesia Tuesday said Indian auto giant Tata Motors was considering using the country as a base to manufacture its low-cost Nano car. The company has been...

Foxconn to decide fate of Indonesia project in October - source |...

"From our point of view, Foxconn can decide its investment whenever it likes," Budi Darmadi, director general of high-tech industry at the ...
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