Can Ah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Can Ah)


The rise of Singlish - BBC News
Singapore tried to make its multi-racial population speak English. They responded by making a hybrid language - Singlish - now 50 years old.

Siyaasiyiin can ah lagu dal-dalay Bangladesh
Dowladda dalka Bangladesh, ayaa dil ku fulisay labo ka mid ah hogaamiyaasha mucaaradka dalkaasi oo loo haystay inay dembiyo dagaal galeen xilligii uu socday...

Anything you can ah-choo dad! Hilarious video of adorable baby...
It's often said the simplest things give the most pleasure. And for this baby it was daddy pretending to sneeze that caused a fit of the giggles.

Can ah Brony get a Kick starter for a 3ds game?! (MLP) - Sugarcube...
OH COME ON!!! Where is my 3ds MLP game?! This crap about Android this and IOS that is getting old. The 3ds is an amazing system and is ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Can Ah
Thomas Anderson
Vorname "Can" (3282)
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