Can Pekdemir Person-Info 

( Ich bin Can Pekdemir)


Guardian: The most skin-crawling portraits ever – in pictures | Art and design...

Can Pekdemir does virtual experiments that push the human skeleton to the limit. Using 3D modelling software, he makes headshot portraits then twists and...

Ausstellungsprojekt FUMES AND PERFUMES - Einblicke von Moritz Schmieg...
Einblicke vor und hinter das Ausstellungsprojekt FUMES AND PERFUMES - Picture tour of the exhibition. presented by Plakat Total - Artists: Michael Bachhofer, Todd Baxter, Frank Bayh & Steff Ochs, Bill Durgin, Peter Franck, Frankie Macauley, Monica Menez, Benoit Paillé, Can Pekdemir, Marius Sperlich und Yves Noir - on view until: Open: 6: :00 - Parkhaus Züblin, Lazarettgasse ...

Creepy hairy digital portraits by Can Pekdemir - IEyeNews
From Designer Daily Turkish artist Can Pekdemir has created a series of truly creepy creatures portraits. The digital artworks, that look like ...

Juxtapoz Magazine - Deformations by Can Pekdemir
Can Pekdemir is an Istanbul-based conceptual artist working on deformation and abstraction of body forms using various methodologies and focused on is...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Can Pekdemir
Vorname "Can" (3282)
Name "Pekdemir" (75)
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