Carson Chan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carson Chan)


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Taz: Das Brot wohnt im Toaster -

Über Räume nachzudenken, wollen Carson Chan und Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga nicht allein der Architektur überlassen. Ihr Projekt heißt „Program“ und verbindet...

The Museum of Modern Art Appoints Carson Chan as the First › news › the-museum-of-modern-ar...
The Museum of Modern Art Appoints Carson Chan as the First Director of the Emilio Ambasz Institute for the Joint Study of the Built and the Natural Envirornment. | 502: Bad gateway
While Morocco had no Tahir Square or no-fly-zone implemented this past spring, the effects of the protests that swept North Africa weren’t lost on the country:...

Jour Fixe-Vortrag: „Architect as curator as architect“Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart
Carson Chan is a curator and writer currently pursuing a PhD at Princeton University School of Architecture. His current research interest centers on the ...
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