Carsten Giessing Person-Info 

( Ich bin Carsten Giessing)


Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg - Summer School EEG and fMRI Analysis
Faculty will include: Christiane Thiel, Christoph Herrmann, Rene Huster, Cornelia Kranczioch, Jeremy Thorne, Carsten Giessing, Riklef Weerda, Thomas Breckel, Sebastian Puschmann, Tina Weis, Maarten De Vos, Lingchia Chen and Stefan Debener. The workshop is limited to 35 participants. Participation fees include lunch, coffee, refreshments, dinner, and the welcome reception. Deadline for the ...

Connected Brains: › stam7883 › news
This symposium was organised as a present for Carsten Giessing, who received a fellowship of the Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg Institute for Advanced Study.

Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg - Institute for Advanced Study: EEG and...
Faculty will include: Christiane Thiel, Christoph Herrmann, Cornelia Kranczioch, Jeremy Thorne, Carsten Giessing, Pascale Sandmann, Thomas Breckel, ...
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