Caterina Murino und James Bond Person-Info 

( Ich bin Caterina Murino)
(1 - 39 von 49

Eva Green (Schauspielerin) - T-Online
Eva Green + Caterina Murino James Bond Casino Royale Age: Eva Green. 26 Caterina Murino Eva Green + Liam Neeson Königreich der Himmel Age: Eva Green. 25 Liam Neeson Eva Green + Edward Norton Königreich der Himmel Age ...

Guardian: Letters: Why police spies are nothing like 007 | UK news | The...

Letters: As far as I recall, most of the women James Bond slept with knew perfectly well that he was a spy, as indeed were many of them

Caterina Murino - World News
Caterina Murino James Bond 007 for Women teaser, CATERINA MURINO IS BIKINI BOND GIRL, Caterina Murino on Casino Royale, Interview attention au ...

Caterina Murino e il "corto" per le eccellenze toscane - Video - TGR
L'attrice Caterina Murino, interprete anche di un film di James Bond, è la protagonista del corto