Cecil Bernstein Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cecil Bernstein)


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ITV at 60: Great Granada shows that made Manchester the home of...

As the national channel celebrates its landmark birthday, here are some of the reasons why ITV has a lot to thank Granada - and Manchester - for

Arts venue where the Beatles and Rolling Stones performed to get £17m...

An arts venue that hosted the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and James Brown is set to reopen after a deal was struck for a £17 million refurbishment.

Guardian: BBC4 to air Anna Nicole Smith opera | BBC Four | The Guardian

Work based on life of former … model to join Douglas Adams adaptation and Macbeth film in new season's lineup. By James Robinson

Tony Warren and the birth of Coronation Street

In 2010, scriptwriter Daran Little dramatised the beginnings of Coronation Street.
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