Cecil Rhodes Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cecil Rhodes)


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Heise.de: Kritische Anmerkungen zur Urlegende moderner Verschwörungstheorien |...

Ein Porträt von Cecil Rhodes anlässlich seines Geburtsjahres - und wie seine Pläne für eine Geheimgesellschaft in den Startlöchern stecken blieben

Cecil Rhodes: Statue removed, students applaud - CNN

University of Cape Town students took to social media to demand Cecil Rhodes' statue come down, saying his legacy is tainted with racism.

Baroness Amos backs Cecil Rhodes protest students | News | The Sunday...

Britain's first black university vice-chancellor has backed students who campaigned to topple the statue of the Victorian imperialist Cecil Rhodes at Oxford.Baroness Amos, head of Soas, University of London (formerly the School of Oriental and African Studies) said students were “entirely” within th.
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