Cecil Williams Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cecil Williams)


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How former HUD chief's Detroit housing project failed

[The Detroit News] - Cecil Williams, 53, who lives on Philip near Jefferson, still believed the development was proceeding until he spoke with a Detroit News reporter Wednesday. But he wasn't surprised. "Let's put it this way: It's hard to be disappointed over something

Google News: “I HEARD THAT”: GIANTS Opening Day Game; LARRY GRAHAM and Graham Central ...

[Beyond Chron] - CECIL WILLIAMS of Glide Memorial United Methodist Church, joined by his tall handsome grandson; former San Francisco Mayor FRANK JORDAN, his fiery orange reddish hair color caught my attention. Marvelous conversation with San Francisco Redevelopment

Blog: Mandelas Regenbogen ǀ Commie Joods,Inder,Frauen& ein schwarzer...

Die Anfänge des Revolutionärs und die Erinnerung an seine Mitstreiter offenbaren die notwendig utopische und ewige Botschaft an uns Zukünftige.

Spiegel.de: Spenden für New Yorker: Happy End für Blindenhund und Herrchen - DER...

Blindenhund Orlando versuchte, den auf die Gleise gestürzten Cecil Williams vor einer herannahenden New Yorker U-Bahn zu retten. Der 61-Jährige überlebte,...
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