Chia Seeds und Superfood Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chia Seeds)
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Chia seeds: The anti-inflammatory superfood | Fox News
When it comes to mainstream foods and beverages, chia seeds are a relatively new ingredient in the marketplace.

Myth Busted: Chia seeds may make you FAT! | The Times of India
CHIA SEEDS MAY NOT HELP YOU LOSE WEIGHT: The latest in the list of superfoods, chia seeds not only have nutritional value but are also considered good for...

The chia craze - BBC News
Many people in the UK won't have heard of the chia seed, but if regulators give their backing this US superfood craze could be on the way.

Chia Seeds for Runners: Power Your Run with This Ancient Superfood -...
We know. It’s impossible to say the word chia without stutter-singing the Chia Pet jingle and envisioning a terra cotta pig, porcupine, …
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