Chris Hollins Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chris Hollins)


(1 - 4 von 62

You'll have a ball: Hazel Blears invites BBC Strictly star Chris...
Salford MP Hazel Blears has made a personal plea to Strictly Come Dancing champ Chris Hollins to come north after the BBC Breakfast presenter refused to...

Strictly Come Dancing winner Chris Hollins 'still in shock' | London...
Strictly Come Dancing champion Chris Hollins was back in the day job today after becoming the surprise winner of the BBC1 show.

See why TV's Chris Hollins got to meet Reading firefighters -...
The crew uploaded a picture of the former Watchdog presenter and Strictly Come Dancing contestant by their truck

Chris Hollins joins celebrations as Hoburne Holiday Parks raise £164k...
Staff from Hoburne Holiday Parks celebrated the huge sum raised in their centenary year with giant pink numbers spelling out the £164,703 collected.
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Vorname "Chris" (29238)
Name "Hollins" (53)
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