Chris Take-Off Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chris Take-Off)


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VIDEO: Putting Law & Order: SVU's Benson and Stabler Together Would...
You have Chris take off his tie and suddenly he looks suave," Truly says. "If Chris had his way, he would take off his shirt, his pants.".

Muggy Mike warns Chris off Olivia as final act of revenge on Love...
He returned to Love Island with a plan to get revenge on Olivia and Mike Thalassitis stuck to his word as he was booted off the show this week. Mike's...

Make Chris Take His 'Meds' - Los Angeles Times
On any given day, about 50,000 severely mentally ill homeless people roam California's streets, rummaging through trash bins, doing battle with invisible...

Love Island EXPLODES as shattering game sees Chris discover Olivia...
Just as you thought the Islanders were getting a bit too comfortable in their smug recouplings
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Vorname "Chris" (29238)
Name "Take-Off" (6)
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