Chrissy Steltz und Milwaukie Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chrissy Steltz)
(1 - 6 von 6

Injured Oregon woman gets prosthetic face | The Seattle › seattle-news › injured-orego...
· Chrissy Steltz, a 27-year-old Milwaukie, Ore., woman whose face was destroyed by an accidental shotgun blast 11 years ago, showed a new face ...

Injured Oregon woman gets new face thanks to Naples doctor
Chrissy Steltz, a 27-year-old Milwaukie woman whose face was destroyed by an accidental shotgun blast 11 years ago, showed a new face to the world as she left...

Faccia rimovibile per donna rimasta sfigurata - Mondo -
Faccia rimovibile per donna rimasta sfigurata, Paziente di Milwaukie riceve nuovo volto. La ragazza rimase sfigurata a 16 anni, Paziente di Milwaukie riceve...
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Name "Steltz" (11)