Chrissy Steltz und Prosthetic Face Person-Info 

( Ich bin Chrissy Steltz)
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Injured Oregon woman gets prosthetic face | The Seattle › seattle-news › injured-orego...
· Chrissy Steltz, a 27-year-old Milwaukie, Ore., woman whose face was destroyed by an accidental shotgun blast 11 years ago, showed a new face ...

New Look: Blind Mom Gets Prosthetic Face - ABC News
For the past 11 years, Chrissy Steltz was living without a face after a horrible accident with a shotgun that left her blind. Steltz made incredible strides...

Gunshot survivor gets prosthetic face
A woman who had her face blown off with a shotgun when she was 16 has been given a prosthetic replacement.

Prosthetic face for woman disfigured and blinded by shotgun blast |...
Chrissy Steltz, who was blinded and had her face blown off with a shotgun when she was 16, has been given a prosthetic replacement eleven years later.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Chrissy Steltz
Vorname "Chrissy" (1010)
Name "Steltz" (11)