Christian Brücker Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Brücker)


(1 - 4 von 9

Beschuldigter im Fall Maddie - Entdecken Sie Algarve
— Die portugiesische Kriminalpolizei und die Staatsanwaltschaft sind der Ansicht, dass es starke Indizien gibt. Christian Brücker wird nicht nur ... › nachrichten › besch...

Maddie suspect LAUGHED at vile joke about her body in his ...
— A LAWYER who represented Christian Bruecker in court says he believes the German may have kidnapped Madeleine Mccann. › irish...

Madeleine McCann: The police have named a 'formal suspect ...
— The police have named Christian Bruecker as a 'formal suspect' as the search for Madeleine McCann continues after 15 years. › news

Pictured: The teenage girlfriend Maddie McCann Daily Mail
— Police believe a former girlfriend of Christian Bruecker, whom it is claimed he 'beat black and blue,' could hold vital clues over the ... › news
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