Christian Chmiel und Officer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Chmiel)
(1 - 8 von 8

BIG appoints Christian "Blizzard" Chmiel as COO
WebJan 14, · Another 1.6 icon joins the BIG Family as we officially appoint Christian “Blizzard” Chmiel as our Chief Operating Officer! A name synonymous with German …

BIG appoints Christian "Blizzard" Chmiel as COO - MyNewsChannel
WebAnother 1.6 icon joins the BIG Family as we officially appoint Christian “Blizzard” Chmiel as our Chief Operating Officer! A name synonymous with German Counter-Strike, …

BIG ernennt Christian "Blizzard" Chmiel zum COOlifePR
— In seiner neuen Funktion als Chief Operating Officer wird Christian Chmiel in den kommenden Jahren eine wesentliche Rolle bei der ...