Christian Loew und Hamburg Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Loew)
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DESY News: X-rays reveal layout of loaded drug transporter -...
The groups of Christian Loew and Jan Kosinski from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) working at the Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) on DESY campus in Hamburg are now a step closer to understanding this. Download [1.1 MB, x 2439] Pro-Drugs like Valganciclovir (upper right) can use the peptide transporter (centre) in the cell membrane that usually transports ...

Events - S.P.o.T.
Christian Rode (Bonn)​​ Magali Roques (Hamburg) Sara Uckelman (Durham). ​Contemporary ... Christian Loew (Luxembourg) Martin Pleitz (Münster)