Christian Mantei und Director Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Mantei)
(1 - 12 von 13

Ease up on tourism push or face overcrowded sites - The › French-news › it-is-ti...
Christian Mantei, managing director of Atout France, was at pains to say the country was not 'full up' for tourists but said drives to lure ever higher ...

Groupe ADP announces the creation of a Stakeholder Committee as part...
· - Olivier JANKOVEC, Director General, Airport Council International (ACI) Europe; - Christian MANTEI, Honorary President of Atout France;

TravelPulse Canada at Rendez-Vous in France, Underway › news › tour-operators › travelp...
· Christian Mantei, Managing Director of Atout France, "in a highly competitive environment, marked by a resurgence in tourism in France, ...