Christian Rieck Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Rieck)


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GameStop-Aktiendrama – Q&A mit Prof. Dr. Christian Rieck - Clubhouse
Tuesday, February 9 at 7:00pm GMT with Niklas Steenfatt, ProfRieck. Kleinanleger gegen Hedgefonds – ein Börsenkrimi, der seit zwei Wochen das Internet... Trans-Atlantic Trade War and Trump Tricks - DER SPIEGEL

Donald Trump has issued a new ultimatum in his tariffs dispute with the European Union. Although his strategy may appear erratic, it has its own logic. Things...

Mark Lotse - Sandra & Christian Rieck GbR
Über die SERVISCOPE AG Die SERVISCOPE AG in Karlsruhe, mit weiteren Standorten im gesamten Bundesgebiet, ist zentraler Business Process Outsourcing...

Prof. Dr. Erik Theissen
European Journal of Finance 5 (1999), (with Jan P. Krahnen and Christian Rieck) Designing an Experimental Stock Market. In: Bühler, W. / Hax, H. / Schmidt, R. (ed.): Empirical Research on the German Capital Market. Springer-Verlag 1999, (with Jan P. Krahnen and Christian Rieck) Inferring Risk Attitudes from Certainty Equivalents: Some Lessons from an Experimental Study. Journal ...
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