Christian Udo Schulz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christian Udo Schulz)


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Eurokrise: Deutsche Firmen reagieren mit Ernüchterung
[Hamburger Abendblatt] - Berenberg-Bank-Volkswirt Christian Schulz sagte, Investitionen und Konsum könnten im zweiten Quartal belastet werden und zu einer Wachstumspause führen. Insgesamt liegen die BIP-Prognosen für das Gesamtjahr zwischen einem halben und über einem Prozent.

Germany dodges recession in first quarter of 2012
[Deutsche Welle] - Berenberg Bank analyst Christian Schulz told Reuters news agency that demand from emerging countries had sustained the German economy while exports to countries in the eurozone had suffered. "We expect domestic consumption to remain stable and housing

Eurozone tunnel darkens, after EU summit stalemate
[Expatica Germany] - At Berenberg bank, analyst Christian Schulz said that Germany and its allies had rejected eurobonds as an "immediate fix", and commented that such bonds would remove incentives for reforms in weaker countries. The EU summit on June was likely to

Crisis clouds hang heavy over German economy
[Expatica Germany] weaker euro and falling oil prices would work in Germany's favour in the longer run. Christian Schulz at Berenberg Bank similarly believed that the current level of the Ifo index "suggests continued growth, albeit at a much lower level than recently."
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