Christina Kara Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christina Kara)


Bride battling breast cancer dies 18 hours after exchanging vows
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Christina 'Neslihan' İsmini Aldı - Antalya
Türk eşinin İslam dini ile ilgili anlattıklarından etkilenen Alman Katharina Christina Kara, Antalya'nın Manavgat İlçe Müftülüğünde gerçekleşen ihtida...

ÉTATS-UNIS. Elle se marie quelques heures seulement avant de mourir
Dans le Connecticut, une jeune femme atteinte d'un cancer du sein est décédée des suites de la maladie seulement 18 heures après avoir échangé les vœux de...

Hacking functional fabrics to aid emergency response | MIT News |...
Christina Kara, a Drexel University student who manages a lab that researches functional fabrics, had a similar experience. After hearing a first responder talk about working with Hurricane Katrina victims — who were in desperate need of tarps and blankets, and suffered from bacterial skin infections — she ...
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