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( Ich bin Christine Cole)


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Google News: Semmivel sem jobb egy hipoallergén kutya

[Há] semmiféle bizonyítékot nem találtunk, hogy ha valakinél már kialakult az allergia, az bizonyos fajta kutyákat könnyebben tűr meg maga körül" - mondta Christine Cole Johnson, a kórház Közegészségügyi Tudományokért Felelős Részlegének vezetője.

Google News: Life Church project close to approval

[Idaho Mountain Express and Guide] - "That's a big building my neighbors are going to be looking at," said Christine Cole, who lives near the currently vacant lot. "That is our only buffer between the highway, Albertsons and our yards." Cole and fellow neighbor Dennis Weaver said they

Allergy-free dogs may be a myth, new study claims
[Rapid News Network] - “We found no scientific basis to the claim hypoallergenic dogs have less allergen,” said Christine Cole Johnson, chair of Henry Ford Hospital's department of public health sciences and senior author of the study. Although she was open to the

Google News: Allergia agli animali: i cani ipoallergenici non esistono

[MedicinaLive (Blog)] - Ma l'idea che sia possibile acquistare una certa razza di cane pensando che causi meno problemi ad una persona allergica non è confermato dal nostro studio afferma Christine Cole Johnson, presidente del Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute Pubblica
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