Christine Gosse Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christine Gosse)


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Sport | Aviron : la Messine Christine Gossé a tout changé
En l’espace d’une olympiade, l’ex-internationale messine a insuflé la culture de la performance à un secteur féminin qui peut espérer décrocher, en ...

News: World Rowing coaches conference heads to Rio |
World Rowing coaches conference heads to Rio Morten Espersen (IRL), Josy Verdonkschot (NED), Christine Gosse (FRA), Mike Spracklen (RUS) and Premsyl Panuska (CZE). Also present is the Rio rowing competition manager, Colleen Orsmond.

Holy Bull Eclipses Field in Woodward - Los Angeles Times
In what was supposed to be the toughest test of his career, Holy Bull scored a five-length victory in the Woodward Stakes at Belmont on Saturday, virtually...

Moville Record March 4, 2010:  Page 3
Moville Record Newspaper Archive Moville Iowa; March Page 3. Topics include march, moville, school, woodbury, february, central, bank, support,...
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