Christoph Merschjann Person-Info 

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- Technology Park Berlin Adlershof
The HZB-physicist Dr. Christoph Merschjann has examined the charge carrier transport in samples of TGCN using time-resolved absorption measurements in the femto- to nanosecond regime at the laser lab JULiq – a joint lab between the HZB and the Freie Universität Berlin.

1D organic semiconductor complement 2D graphene
Graphene only conducts in two dimensions. Now scientists have found layered materials that conduct in the other dimension: perpendicular to its flat sheets.

Carbon nitride grown as 2D semiconductor
Berlin researchers have have created a 2D semiconductor with an unusual ... HZB physicist Dr. Christoph Merschjann has investigated the ...

Neue Materialklasse für die organische Elektronik ...
Dr. Christoph Merschjann (Freie Universität Berlin und HZB-Institut für Methoden der Materialentwicklung, ), Prof. Stefan Lochbrunner (Universität Rostock) Für eine optimale Darstellung dieser Seite aktivieren Sie bitte JavaScript.
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