Christopher Hoyle und Chris Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christopher Hoyle)
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Robbery suspect leaves Jack in the Box receipt behind
[Gaston Gazette] - Christopher Fletcher Hoyle told police he was assaulted and robbed of $325 while in the parking lot of the fast food restaurant at 2:20 am Wednesday.

Rideau Canal enjoys robust season open 60 days so far | Ottawa Sun
· Torontonian Christopher Hoyle made the trip to Ottawa specifically to skate the 7.8 km ice rink, which he did twice on Sunday. "I wasn't sure it ...

Guardian: The social worker who changed my life | Social Care Network | The › social-care-network › mar

· Christopher Hoyle, academic development officer in higher education. Taken into care at the age of 13, supported by social workers and ...
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Jenny Mill
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