Christopher L. Whaley Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christopher L. Whaley)


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Having a baby in Sacramento priciest among 30 biggest U.S. cities |...
The cost of delivering a baby is higher in Sacramento than in any other of the nation’s 30 biggest metropolitan areas, according to a new study from research...

Family gatherings led to COVID spread last year: Birthday › story › opinion › › family-gatherings-le...
vor 8 Tagen · Christopher Whaley and Dr. Anupam B. Jena. Opinion contributors. Despite more than a year of significant restrictions on formal gatherings, ...

Riech- und Geschmacksstörungen verschwinden meist innerhalb › Medizin › Krankheiten › Infektionen › Coronavirus
vor 3 Tagen · Das berichtet ein Team um Dr. Christopher Whaley von der Non-Profit-​Organisation RAND. Für ihre Studie wurden Daten von 2,9 Millionen ...

Private health insurers paid hospitals 247% of what medicare would › pub_releases › rc-phi
· ... individuals pay for hospital-based care relative to what the government pays for people insured through Medicare," said Christopher Whaley, ...
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