Christopher Schmitz Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christopher Schmitz)


(1 - 4 von 40

Christopher Schmitz: Von Blue Byte zu Quantic ...
— Bis Oktober war Christopher Schmitz das bekannteste Gesicht von Blue Byte, jetzt leitet er als Director of Production eines der ...

Christopher Schmitz is the new Chief Operating Officer of ...
— Crytek has announced the appointment of Christopher Schmitz as their new Chief Operating Officer. Bringing over 30 years of industry ...

Christopher Schmitz will leave Remedy ...
— Remedy Entertainment's Chief Operations Officer, Christopher Schmitz has resigned and will leave the Finnish company on May 31,

Crytek GmbH Appoints Christopher Schmitz as New Chief ...
— Crytek are proud to announce the appointment of Christopher Schmitz as their new Chief Operating Officer effective from 1st June,
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