Christos Pantelis Person-Info 

( Ich bin Christos Pantelis)


(1 - 4 von 11

The Decade of the Brain - Catalyst
Dr Jonica Newby romps through the research that has revolutionised our understanding of the brain.

Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Domain Seminar with Professor...
World leading psychiatrist, Professor Christos Pantelis (University of Melbourne), will discuss 'Trajectories of Brain Change in Psychosis: Impact of Risk and ...

Psychiatrie-Forschung gewürdigt | Gießen
Preisträger Christos Pantelis (Mitte) mit (v.l.) Psychiatrie-Chef Bernd Gallhofer, Medizin-Dekan Trinad Chakraborty, JLU-Präsident Joybrato Mukherjee und ...

How white blood cells could hold the key to understanding...
Australian scientists make a remarkable discovery about what is lurking in the brains of people with schizophrenia, giving them new clues about what might...
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