Claude Cummings Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claude Cummings)


(1 - 4 von 22

AT&T employee union sues Dallas-based telecom to block 713 layoffs
A union that represents AT&T employees is asking a Texas court to block the Dallas-based telecom company's plans to lay off 713 people....

CWA Families Suffering in Texas | National Association of Broadcast...
CWA President Chris Shelton is urging locals and members to donate to the CWA Hurricane Harvey Solidarity Fund. Many CWA members have lost everything.

Why Vice President Claude Cummings, Jr. Chose to Get › news › why-vice-president-claude-...
Why Vice President Claude Cummings, Jr. Chose to Get Vaccinated. April 15, As vaccine availability increases across the country, thousands of CWA ...
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Linda Hinton
Vorname "Claude" (3489)
Name "Cummings" (520)
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