Claudia Böse und Artist Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudia Böse)
(1 - 41 von 57

Brave Art - Colchester + Ipswich MuseumsIpswich Museums
Artists: Claudia Boese, Alice-Andrea Ewing and Emma Withers. This display is suitable for all ages. For useful information, such as how to find Christchurch ... Artists: Claudia Boese, Alice-Andrea Ewing and Emma Withers. This display is suitable for all ages. For useful information, such as how to find Christchurch ...

'Animals and their Habitats' Exhibition - Suffolk › News
· We worked with artists Claudia Boese and Emma Withers to experiment with new materials, using charcoals, pastels, watercolour pencils and ...

Hayley Field artwork
Artist, Fine art paintings, Gallery

Vitalistic Fantasies - Elysium › Events
Online artist Talk: Wednesday 13th July, 7pm. Susan Absolon | David Ainley | Iain Andrews | Amanda Ansell | Karl Bielik | Claudia Böse | Day Bowman | Julian ...