Claudia Cuellar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Claudia Cuellar)


(1 - 4 von 13

In his last act, Iraq veteran's mission turns deeply personal - CNN
Young, 33, might have died quietly in the privacy of his home, with his wife of one year, Claudia Cuellar, and his mother, Cathy Smith, by his ...

Wounded anti-Iraq War veteran Tomas Young dies at CNN
He said he wanted to spend more time with his wife, Claudia Cuellar. Former television host Phil Donahue, co-director and executive producer ...

Tomas Young: Suicidal veteran takes parting shot at Bush - BBC › news › world-us-canada
· "He felt he's gone as far as his physical shell will take him and he is ready to rest," his wife, Claudia Cuellar, tells BBC World Service, ...
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