Clemens Barth und Universität Person-Info 

( Ich bin Clemens Barth)
(1 - 11 von 11
) Atomares Rautenmuster | Telepolis

Forschern der Universität München ist es erstmals gelungen, mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop die Oberfläche von Aluminiumoxid in atomarer Auflösung zu zeigen

CeNS: Clemens Barth gewinnt den ECOSS-Preis 2001
Clemens Barth studied physics at Freie Universität Berlin where he graduated in Already his diploma thesis was a breakthrough in insulator surface analysis by demonstrating for the first time atomic resolution imaging and nanostructure formation on cleavage faces of fluoride single crystals with dynamic scanning force microscopy.

Clemens Barth gewinnt den ECOSS-Preis 2001Center for NanoScience (CeNS)
— Clemens Barth studied physics at Freie Universität Berlin where he graduated in Already his diploma thesis was a breakthrough in insulator — Clemens Barth studied physics at Freie Universität Berlin where he graduated in Already his diploma thesis was a breakthrough in insulator ...

Event-Details | Departement Physik - Universität Basel
— Nano- & Quantum Physics Seminar. Charging Single Metal Nanoparticles on Thin Alumina Films by the AFM Tip. Clemens Barth, CNRS ... › event › details › charging-sin...