Cody Röder Person-Info 

( Ich bin Cody Röder)


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Retail | Company AnnouncementsHerald Sun
CODY Roeder took a hamburger from a customer, threw it to the ground and stomped all over it, claiming the food was “garbage”.

In-N-Out sues YouTuber Cody Roeder who pretended to ...Daily Mail
— Cody Roeder is the face of Trollmunchies, a YouTube pranking channel with more than subscribers. He filmed the videos at two ...

In-N-Out Burger not amused by imposter CEO's online pranksCBS News
— Chain seeking restraining order against Trollmunchies' Cody Roeder, who posed as testy CEO and posted YouTube videos of the incidents.

2013 SkillsUSA Minnesota College / Post Secondary ...SkillsUSA Minnesota
Cody Roeder. Brent Maki. Riverland Community. College-Austin. Alexandria Technical &. Community College. Alexandria Technical &. Community College.
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