Conrad Ahlers und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Conrad Ahlers)
(1 - 13 von 15
) German Treason Investigation Reveals Anxiety among Leaders - SPIEGEL...

Germany's federal prosecutor was just forced out of office after launching a treason investigation against journalists. The scandal, just like the

Claus Jacobi: Editor jailed during the 'Spiegel' affair | The...
Claus Jacobi was the editor-in-chief of the German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel from until He was arrested during the Spiegel scandal – and was...

A crowd has gathered to cheer for West German Chancellor › geschichte › zeitgeschichte › deutschlandarchiv
... Erfurt in Erfurt, East Germany, 19 March On the right window Brandt's press officer, State Secretary Conrad Ahlers. (AP-Text) (© picture-alliance/AP).